Using Speech Properties

You can use either the Speech Recognition tab or the Text-to-Speech tab in Speech properties to initialize and customize speech-enabled applications. These settings control general attributes such as input and output devices, the language used, as well as the playback voice and the accuracy of word recognition. Individual applications may implement speech differently and you need to check the respective user's manuals for particulars. However, some attributes are shared by speech engines or systems across different software applications. These shared features are set in Speech properties.

You can choose between several preferential option settings and customize the speech profile according to your needs. However, many options are proprietary and may vary between computer systems. Therefore, some of the buttons and screens may not act the same under all circumstances. Please check instructions for your computer, speech software or device hardware.

In addition to choosing pre-determined options, you may create a new profile or set a profile to accommodate your speaking style. A new Recognizer Profile should be created if you move offices, the noise level changes on a permanent basis or additional people are often present. This is done by clicking New on the Speech Recognition panel. Recognizer Profiles allow different users to share the same computer without interfering with other speech configurations.

Training allows the speech recognizer to adapt to the sound of your voice, word pronunciation, accent, speaking manner, and even new or idiomatic words. This is done through the Voice Training Wizard. Training for as little as ten minutes can achieve significant speech recognition improvement. The system also adapts to your speech on an ongoing basis and recognition will increase over time.